Major: PHILOSOPHY


         Ph.D. candidate: TRINH THANH TUNG   

         Research supervisors: ASSOC. PROF. Dr. LUONG MINH CU

                                              Dr. PHAM LE QUANG


         1. Content summary of the thesis

         As one of the forms of social consciousness, the Indian philosophy was formed and developed, and its contents, and characteristics are inevitably governed by and reflect natural and climate conditions which are diverse, complex and extreme, as well as profoundly regulated and impacted by the social - historical conditions of ancient India. In particular, it features the harsh, patriarchal slavery, restrained by the rural commune and social class discrimination - the strict varna system. The formation, contents and characteristics of the Indian philosophy are also based on the development of the ancient Indian civilization, from the Indus Civilization (the 3rd millennium BC) and the Vedic period - the Epic period (the 15th century BC - the 6th century BC), to the period of Buddhism  - Brahmanism (the 6th century BC - the 3rd century AD), with noticeable science and cultural achievements in various areas such as astronomy, calendar, mathematics, medicine, literature, art, architecture, etc. All exerted an enormous impact and impression on the contents and characteristics of the ancient Indian philosophy,

         On the basis of special natural and social conditions, the ancient Indian philosophy was shaped and developed through two periods: in the Vedic period - the Epic period (the 15th century BC - the 6th century BC), the Indian philosophy was shown in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Indian epics, Ràmàyana and Mahàbhàrata, in which the religious-mythological worldview was predominantly polytheistic. Then, the polytheistic worldview transformed to the monotheistic worldview, lastly combined with the monism which states that the “Supreme Cosmic Spirit” was the identity of the world, marking the change from the religious-mythological thinking to the philosophical thinking. The Classical period or the period of Buddhism - Brahmanism (from the 6th century BC to the 3rd century AD) witnessed the development of philosophical thinking in the Vedas and the Upanishads by major schools of philosophy such as nkhya, Vais’esika, Nyàya, Yoga, Mimàmsà and Vedànta, also called darsanas or the orthodox systems of philosophy (as’tika), and three schools of philosophy such as Jaina, Lokàyata and Buddhism, known as the heterodox systems (nas’tika), which thoroughly provide more systematic explanations for and answers to questions about the world and life.

         Through the overview of the ancient Indian philosophy, some of its key characteristics can be obviously seen. Considering entirety and nature, the ancient Indian philosophy is both unified and diverse. Based on one society, with the same purpose that is finding the ideal of life, and under the influence of the traditional mindset and beliefs, schools of Indian philosophy developed with different tendencies and natures. Considering motivations, it can be seen that the competition and continuation between the materialism and atheism, such as the “Six Sectarian Teachers” or Càrvàka, and the idealism and religion such as the Vedas, the Upanishads, Brahmanism’s doctrine and the Vedanta philosophy are the consistent trait of the Indian philosophy. Considering values, the human morality and the supreme purpose which is liberating humans from sufferings in regard to spirit and religion through moral development (karma-yoga), wisdom (prajna-yoga) and love and devotion (bhakti-yoga) are the essence of the ancient Indian philosophy.

          With the aforementioned contents and characteristics, the ancient Indian philosophy is of great significance in many aspects. In terms of ideology, the ancient Indian philosophy investigates and clarifies most of the basic areas of philosophy, so it helps sharpen thinking, develop awareness, and enrich and broaden viewpoints on the world and life of the Indian philosophy. In terms of religion, as the science, it discovers the truth and acts as the philosophical basis of religion. Religion is the experience of the truth, turning the philosophy into morality and beliefs through the intuition and moral cultivation, teachings, precepts and religious rituals. In terms of moral, the ancient Indian philosophy focuses on human beings, producing methods to perfect people, finding the purpose and the ideal of life and establishing high standards and relationships.

          2. The new results of the thesis

           Firstly, on the social basis and the theoretical prerequisites for the formation and development of the ancient Indian philosophy, this dissertation explains the basic contents and major characteristics of the philosophy through two periods, which are the Vedic period - the Epic period and the Classical period or the period of Buddhism - Brahmanism. Secondly, this research assesses and indicates the historical significances of the ancient Indian philosophy in both theory and practice; the significances are shown in terms of ideology, religion and human morality in the cultural and spiritual life of Indian people.

          3. Applicability capacity of the thesis

           The systematic study of the ancient Indian philosophy with regard to contents, characteristics and, significances provides more insight into the Indian tradition and culture, enhancing and developing a more sustainable friendship between Vietnam and India; thus, it heightens awareness for Vietnamese people of how we selectively perceive the Indian culture, with national self-esteem and cultural tolerance, to enrich and deepen understanding of our own culture.


                                                                             Ho Chi Minh City, 22 December, 2018

Confirmation of research supervisors                                    Ph.D. candidate





         ASSOC. PROF. Dr. LUONG MINH CU                          TRINH THANH TUNG





                    Dr. PHAM LE QUANG



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